Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trenton Needs Anger Management Classes

My cousin Trenton needs "Anger Management" classes! Today while we were hanging out at Papa's Shop, he punched a can so hard that it broke!
Sometimes he gets mad at the computer too. To get him to stop I say in a Texas accent, "Stop doin' that stupid!" He needs to like, blow bubbles or something to chill out. Well, that's pretty much it.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this picture of you two guys. And it was fun watching you both hit the ball at your game yesterday! I'm such a lucky grandma to be able to see all my grandchildren playing ball! I'm really glad you two are on the same team this year. It makes it so much easier for Grandpa Ken and I to be at all the games! As far as "anger management" for Trenton goes, just suggest that he take his anger out on the next ball that is pitched to him! I love you! Big Grandma


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I am 11 years old,and in 6th grade. I like reading, and math.
